lundi 14 juillet 2008

Answers to Mr. Ben : Michelson's mirrors

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Answers to Mr. Ben : Michelson's mirrors

Dear Mr. Ben

My 3 texts about the experience of Mr. Anton Zeilinger and Mr. Markus Aspelmeyer are also an introduction for a text about the mirrors of Michelson

You have written


"Just to refresh memories, they looked for the ether, trying to measure the velocity of the earth through it. Their interferometer floated on the surface of a tank to eliminate vibrations. They tried during different times of the year, when the motion of the earth around the sun was going in opposite directions relative to the stars. And they tried just rotating the interferometer. The sensitivity of the interferometer was such that they should have been able to detect motion at a small fraction of the speed of light. "


I refuse the ether (I am a Newtonist, a partisan or Isaac Newton). Only vacuum and atomOs.

But you're right:

"Just to refresh memories, they looked for the ether, trying to measure the velocity of the earth through it. Their interferometer floated on the surface of a tank to eliminate vibrations. "

But you need to say that Albert Michelson forgot the motion of the Earth.

Then you wrote:

" They tried during different times of the year, when the motion of the earth around the sun was going in opposite directions relative to the stars. And they tried just rotating the interferometer. "

The motion of revolution of the Earth is not 30 km/s. That motion is 250 km/s.


When you wrote

" The sensitivity of the interferometer was such that they should have been able to detect motion at a small fraction of the speed of light. "

Your opinion is wrong.

Michelson and Morley and Miller were wrong about that: They ignored the motion of the Sun.


You wrote:

"They never did find any evidence of motion through the ether.

Conclusion: Either a) the luminiferous ether that fills all space and transmits light to us from the stars is fixed to a floating interferometer in a tank in the basement of Adelbert Hall at Western Reserve University, or b) there is no ether, or c) galilean relativity is wrong, or some combination of these ideas."


I agree about b)

A) is stupid: the vibrations of the ether need to prove that the ether exists. Huygens never proved it. (neither Francesco Grimaldi)

The waves are always the movement and/or the vibration of bodies.

The bricks of matter are photons (Newton wrote it)

The bricks of photons are atomOs (materialists think that since antiquity: atomOs are the last bricks.


C) Let Galileo Galilei quiet: if you want to use his texts you must write the texts.

Einsteinists use his name to create a smog of smoke.


I will answer B) later


You concluded

"Einstein proposed (independently of this experiment, which he learned about later)answer c), and that if there is an ether, it is so clever at hiding from us that we can never detect it.

What do the anti-relativity folk have to say about this experiment? I predict that Spaceman will say their interferometer malfunctioned.

Some will say that Michelson and Morley must have been Jewish. Other than that, I am curious.

Uncle Ben "


Einstein was a Zionist: he went in USA with Chaim Weizmann (2nd April of 1921) to collect money for the Zionism (an "Hebraic university").

But it is not the PROOF that his thesis was stupid.

Kings of Belgium, of Spain, of Japan supported him: Three killers of poor people, killers of African workers, killers of Spanish republican workers, killers of Asian workers. Albert Einstein traveled around the world to thank them.(1921-1922).

But it is not the PROOF that his thesis was stupid.

He was going to smile to the killer Hiro-Hito when he knew that he has obtained the Nobel Price.

But it is not the PROOF that his thesis was stupid.

Vatican, Jerusalem Muslims chiefs, Jewish chiefs, reincarnated Buddhists, agree with him

But it is not the PROOF that his thesis was stupid.

(Read the apologists: Banesh Hoffman and Langevin)

I don't know if Michelson, Morley and Miller believed in god or were bigots...



My answer and my arguments for B)

1°) The possible speed of 5011 km/s (objective speed) need to use large mirrors. If the mirrors are too small, the photons will go beside.

2°) the photons will not arrive at the same place on the receptor.

3° The delay will be higher than the delay with a little stupid speed of 30 km/s.

Conclusion: the" experience of Michelson" is a stupid pseudo experience of two clowns that ignore what Herschel have discovered one century before: the motion of the Sun in the direction of the apex (19,6 km/s) (Hercules)

The results of the experience of two clowns that ignore such a motion are a very good brick to build a stupid pseudo theory like the relativity.

Lenin, in "Materialism and empiriocriticism" ignored Einstein: He answered to him.

The reality is objective. The time also, the space also.

He was writing against Bogdanov / Malinovsky, against Mach, against Poincaré, against Bishop Berkeley.

He was a Newtonist!

We will win.

I am finishing my excel drawings to show the motion of the photons during the pseudo experience of the two clowns Michelson and Morley.

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